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Top five safety items for a day walk

Photo: Kerry Adams
Even if you’re just going for an easy day walk, Mountain Safety Council’s Nick Kingstone recommends the following to stay safe on the track

Tell someone your plans
If nobody knows you’re out there, nobody is coming looking for you if things go wrong. A text message to a good friend is better than nothing, but best practice is to leave an intentions form via AdventureSmart.

Pack liner
These keep your gear dry and can also double as emergency shelters. The Mountain Safety Council has a $5 liner with has safety information printed on it that could save your bacon in an emergency.

Even if the weather looks OK at the trailhead, a jacket is a must-have. If things get gnarly or you become injured and spend an unexpected night out, a windproof, waterproof jacket will help keep you in good shape.

Spare food
This is tough for the ‘gram weenies’ out there, but a few muesli bars don’t weigh much. If you end up shivering through the night, you’ll need three to four times the calories you normally would.

Head torch
If you do get stuck out overnight, a head torch will come in handy. You’ll be able to see where you are, find shelter or build a fire mroe easily. It also helps signal for help.