Contact us

Please call, email or write to us if you have a query about Wilderness.

Christmas and New Year operating hours

The Wilderness office will be closed from December 23 until January 9. If you have a subscription or order query, please wait until January to contact us to ensure the most speedy response.

Wilderness Magazine
Lifestyle Publishing Ltd
P.O. Box 260041, Howick East, Auckland 2146
Ph: +64 9 570 2658

Subscriptions and general magazine enquiries

Andrea Cowan:
P: 095702658 ext 1.


Alistair Hall, Editor:
P: 095702658 ext 3.

If you would like to contribute stories to Wilderness, please read our guidelines here.


For all advertising enquiries, please contact Alistair Hall:
P: 095702658 ext 3.

Art and design

Pelin Hall: