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A short little guide to hiking technique

Image of the March 2022 Wilderness Magazine Cover Read more from the
March 2022 Issue

Find yourself with unsure footing and feeling off balance? Here are some tips to keep you strong and on your feet.


Set your poles at the right height, so that the elbow is at 90-degrees when standing flat for going uphill, lengthen slightly for downhill. If using a three piece, ensure all the sections are set equally. Hand comes up through the strap to support the wrist.


Check load lifter straps aren’t too loose which lets pack weight shift backwards. use waist and chest straps to keep pack snug. Keep weight balanced and heaviest objects close to your back.


Engage the core to help lift your knees and give your hip flexors a break. Squeeze your glutes as you step up to help push up and keep hip and knee alignment. Find flat footing where you can to give calves a break(small dirt ledges, rocks…). Stand fully straight onto one leg before shifting weight to the next to give momentary rest, reducing burnout in your legs.