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February 2018 Issue
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Slip-sliding away

Improve your mobility to better handle slippery situations. Photo: Tony Gazley
Strong legs are just one part of the puzzle when it comes to staying on your feet

Strong legs will help with the awkward slipping and sliding experience of river and off-track travel. But it’s only half of the equation. You need mobility to move through the awkward positions when your feet and knees twist and bend.

Mobility involves moving your body through a range of motion, dynamic strength exercises and moderate stretching. If your muscles are too tight, the joints will be restricted and you could run the risk of damaging muscles, ligaments and tendons.

Try these exercises with twisting and sideways movement – move slowly and keep your knees bent and moving in the same direction as your toes:

  • Step your right foot out to the right. Then step your left foot across your right foot. Then step back.
  • Step your right foot out to the right, step left foot across, step right foot out to the right again, step left foot together with right foot. Then go back the other way.
  • Step your right foot out to your right, step left foot across, lift your heels and spin on your toes to the right, 180 degrees. Try the other direction.
  • Mix and match to create your own sequence.